Got to Get to Germany!

A quick trip to Deutschland

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Prague? Did we miss a turn?

Nope, we decided on side venture to Prague after getting some tremendous help from a group of Americans in Kaiserslautern. K-town as the Aussies called it is near the Rammstein Air Force Base. Sorry no photo updates, seem to be on the run and haven't found an internet cafe that allows the plug in. Also - so far no homeless nights! Been rooming at some hostels for 40-50 Euro a night which isn't so bad.

Oh and by the way, went to watch the Espana / French game in the big Fan Fest - those rumors of German efficiency way over blown. Granted it was built for a big game like Friday but they didn't shorten the way to get into it for these small games. Imagine Wally world and that you have to go through the whole line labyrinth to get into the viewing area. It took about 10 minutes to get in to set with the other 4 people watching in this big tent. I was kinda ticked. Oh, Oh and they wouldn't let me in the front gate! I had to go back and buy a ticket (not marked well) and then the ticket said I had to go into Gate 12, which was the opposite side of this damn thing. And Krauts being Krauts, following all the rules, they wouldn't let me in the gate I was at - you know in case of a mad rush of people. - OK, enough of a rant - it was still awesome(except the French won).

And the comments everyone is leaving is awesome! I got a post from my niece Nicole!

I did tell Katie the sights are great but I haven't found a laundry so someone is getting a little ripe.


At 4:27 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Not to speak bad of our heritage sweetie, but does the German efficiency myth suprise you given the luck you have had with your Jetta?

Side note KWR must still be talking with the engineers in Germany - because we have gotten no calls to say it is done (2 weeks later).

Do you think you could take care of it while you are over there?


k and pt

At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,
Lots of fun reading about your adventure and sharing with family & friends.
I am hanging out in Naperville with the kids with fur.
What is the wheather like there?
Glad your enjoying your trip and expierencing the Fatherland!!
Be Safe

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to get out the Patchouli...isn't that what they used at Woodstock! :)


At 10:59 AM, Blogger Brian said...

Stinkin. Just like a real European! I'm so proud of you. Now you just need to start drinking espresso, chain smoking and bitching about the French. Tres continental.

I'm glad to hear that you made it to Prague. I'm told it's an architectural wonderland. Just try not to inhale. I think they have an 1800's attitude toward industrial pollution.

Big kudos on attending an actual game. It validates the whole "going there for the soccer" thing. Well done. Now you're liberated for wanton debauchery for the rest of the trip.


At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » »

At 1:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » » »


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